IT Management for

Cybersecurity Conscious & Profit Driven Practices

Discover more about our solutions and services for your Business’s vertical.

Services that are a cut above the rest

The Minimum you Expect

  • Network Management

  • Telephone | VOIP System

  • Encrypted Email

  • Cloud Hosting

  • Backup & Disaster Recovery

  • Off-Site and Local Backup Service

  • Managed Anti virus/malware/ransomware

  • Firewall Management

  • Unlimited Remote and/or On-Site IT

  • Support of All Your Hardware and Software

  • Performance and Security

  • Remote Access Configuration / VPN

  • Microsoft Security Patch Management

  • Project Management

The Proactiveness we Provide

Email legal hold


Firewall filtering

Firewall patching

Firewall stateful

Drive encryption

Full drive encryption

Policy management service

IT compliance audit

Business software management

Vulnerability analysis

Dark web monitoring

Firewall log collection

Log collection

Log forensics

Network scanner

Security operations center

Server monitoring

User activity monitoring

Behavioral monitoring

Breach response procedure

Collaboration management

Penetration testing

Risk analysis

Enforced password change

Change management


Password vault

App monitoring

Batch monitoring

Disk space monitoring

Patch management

Last login notification

Data destruction


Admin account 2fa

Email archiving

Email encryption

File encryption

Hypervisor maintenance

Backup offsite

Network segmentation

Ops training

Password policy

Security training

Phishing training

Heuristic antivirus

Signature antivirus

Firewall antivirus


Application whitelist

Ring fencing

Stop malicious downloads

USB lockdown

Email legal hold


Firewall filtering

Firewall patching

Firewall stateful

Drive encryption

Full drive encryption

Policy management service

IT compliance audit

Business software management

Vulnerability analysis

Dark web monitoring

Firewall log collection

Log collection

Log forensics

Network scanner

Security operations center

Server monitoring

User activity monitoring

Behavioral monitoring

Breach response procedure

Collaboration management

Penetration testing

Risk analysis

Enforced password change

Change management


Password vault

App monitoring

Batch monitoring

Disk space monitoring

Patch management

Last login notification

Data destruction


Admin account 2fa

Email archiving

Email encryption

File encryption

Hypervisor maintenance

Backup offsite

Network segmentation

Ops training

Password policy

Security training

Phishing training

Heuristic antivirus

Signature antivirus

Firewall antivirus


Application whitelist

Ring fencing

Stop malicious downloads

USB lockdown

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