HIPAA Compliance & Cybersecurity

HIPAA compliance & Cybersecurity isn’t bought with a providers equipment quote. It’s built with thorough procedure and documentation maintenance. We understand the detailed requirements of both HIPAA and Cybersecurity, and are proud to be the CTO/CIO of your practice… keeping threats at bay, the right way.

Proactive & Competent compliance services offered...

Our Security Operations Center (SOC) is your dedicated hub for 24/7 security monitoring and threat response. We stand vigilant with industry experts to protect your dental practice from cyber threats.

Strengthen your practice’s security with Access Controls and Ringfencing. We implement stringent access restrictions and network segmentation to safeguard your sensitive data while maintaining peak efficiency.

Prepare for the unexpected with Incident Response Planning. We help you develop strategies and protocols to respond effectively to security incidents, natural disasters, and service interruptions minimizing damages and downtime.

Leverage our Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system for proactive threat detection and compliance monitoring. We ensure your practice remains secure and compliant.

Stay one step ahead of cyber threats with AI-Powered Antivirus and Malware Monitoring. Our cutting-edge antivirus service continuously scans and protects your systems. Threats are always evolving. We intend to evolve faster.

Proactively maintain your practice’s security and compliance with Routine Audits and Action Plans. We assess vulnerabilities, implement corrective actions, and document the process so you can stay Insurance covered and HIPAA compliant.


Maintain compliance effortlessly with our Compliance Documentation and Change Histories. We meticulously record and document changes, ensuring you meet industry regulations.

Prepare your practice with Cyberattack Drills and Training. We simulate real-world cyber threats and provide the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively. In addition, we’ll supply reporting showing your backups are live and ready to implement with relevant test dates.

Stay on top of your security & compliance strategy with Quarterly Assessments and Strategy Meetings. We review your security posture, adapt strategies, and ensure your practice’s ongoing protection.

"BIG IT" has taken advantage of your trust. We're bringing clarity to the situation.

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